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rough sleepers

Started by: albion (412)

How is it most people begging and sleeping rough are mostly English people.Do you have to come here in a boat to get housed.

Started: 18th Dec 2023 at 13:29

Posted by: PeterP (11656)

Albion we know there are some homeless people by design or frauds but most get nothing but if you are part of the boat people crowd you are given every thing from 5* star hotels clothes phones free food etc

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 13:44

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

"you are given every thing from 5* star hotels clothes phones free food etc"

Have you been reading the Daily Mail again Peter?

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 14:11

Posted by: PeterP (11656)

Stardelta I read the mail mirror express even the daily star to get a broad spectrum of news also most of the local papers. If the floating hotel had a rating what would that be I don't think it would be classed as 1*

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 14:26

Posted by: PeterP (11656)

double post

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 14:26
Last edited by PeterP: 18th Dec 2023 at 15:02:59

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

Tell us more about the free clothes and mobile phones you claim they are given

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 14:27

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Albion.In the most cases The English natives like the American natives, don't like the reservations the Gov't made to accommodate them, They could get dry shelter, warmth and food at a hostel but, There are rules that would forbid, boozing and taking drugs so, They prefer to be outside and be free to survive on what they can beg, I think if I was in their shoes, I too would choose that,,

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 15:32

Posted by: PeterP (11656)

Tom is Kevin still living rough

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 17:20

Posted by: Billinge Biker (2646) 

Give em nowt...majority are lazy gets jumping on the bandwagon. We all have a choice in life...if you take the nee'r-do-well dead leg route..live it and love it...but keep your begging bowl at home.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 19:14

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)


Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 19:16
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 18th Dec 2023 at 19:22:37

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Peter no, Kevin is now housed, I'll do a story on Kevin because he is a white male English born UK resident who became homeless and lived in Westwood woods for 13 years in, Winter Summer, Spring and Autumn, He was Ex Army, A former SAS paratrooper and because of circumstances that could happen to anyone ended up homeless and not a pot to pizz in,

He did not claim benefits because, he was not entitled due to being deemed fit enough to work but could't get work due to not having a home address so, He lived off what folks gave him, There are many like him and, These guys/gals should get priority because, they served for the King and put their lives on the line for this country but they just get forgotten,

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 19:46

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

I think that MOD needs to take responsibility for the fact that delayed difficulties with adaptation, after military service, is causing an excess of homelessness in this group of people. ie Getting some help underway at a much earlier stage, before deteriorated life circumstances really set in.

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 20:27

Posted by: surfer_tom (880)

Lots of tales about Kevin
Make sure what you say is true

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 21:06

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Surfer tom,,, If you know something I don't, Spit it out,,

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 21:27

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

I'm listening Surfer,,,,,,,

Replied: 18th Dec 2023 at 22:20

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

David Davies disrupted an attack on a homeless person.

'Mock the Week' just added, ' he was heard shouting, "leave him alone, Suella!"'

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 00:15

Posted by: PeterP (11656)

Some of the homeless don't want help take the young girl sleeping just inside the hospital grounds . She has had every one from hospital staff to social workers trying to help her but she will not move . Similar in Ashton 2 sleeping rough at the front of the toilets on Princess Rd . Led to believe they have a flat but still sleep rough

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 12:30

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

So if he and the many like him was given a ‘free’ house at the tax payer’s expense Tom……..what happens next?

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 13:25

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Surfer Tom

"Lots of tales about Kevin
Make sure what you say is true

I think you are referring to the bother there was with Kevin outside of the hairdressers and off-licence on Poolstock Lane, I actually saw the police arresting Kevin and he was made the subject of an injunction banning him from that row of shops, Kevin could be very nasty, especially when he was drunk.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 14:16

Posted by: surfer_tom (880)

Kevin's is Tom plums hero fought for king and country even fought his own family alcholic scrounger the shopkeepers were sick of him so we're the landlord's

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 14:26

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Surfer, you are taking a snippet and making assumptions from instants you know of, Kevin is no angel. I know that, The army don't want angels especially in the SAS, they want strong and fit men and women who are daring and courageous but also they need to pass mental tests as well. then they train them to kill without hesitation, As Ena stated above, the MOD dont do enough to de. commission them on leaving,
Yes Kevin had family problem long before he went in the army and when he came out those problems got worse.
there is an old saying,,, Walk a mile in a mans shoes before judging him.

Replied: 19th Dec 2023 at 15:12
Last edited by tomplum: 19th Dec 2023 at 15:13:26

Posted by: eggbeater (3245)

stardelta how many homeless asians or other foreigners have you seen sleeping in shop doorways?? not as many as britons i can guarantee that but no doubt you prove me wrong wont you?

Replied: 20th Dec 2023 at 20:46

Posted by: Stardelta (inactive)

I have no idea LG

….. but seeing as you are making a claim AND guaranteeing it how about you tell me

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 05:43

Posted by: eggbeater (3245)

Well I've never seen a asian in a shop doorway but I've seen wiganers so by that reckoning there's MORE britons than Asians homeless.

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 07:38

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Eggieyed, the Asians are very shrewd , They look after their own. If an Asian gets in trouble he/she will seek help from the tribe elder, The family will bail them out and find him a home and work in one of the many corner shops , taxi firms . petrol stations ,take a way shops , curry house and he will learn how to claim more benefits to open his own business with Gov't grants and he will also pay the family back without ever paying any tax to this country, Its no accident that this country is now run by an Asian,

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 09:11

Posted by: winnie (1558) 

I work with someone ,he has a full time and a part time job but chooses to sleep in his car in the company car park as he is homeless

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 09:57

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Winnie , this is a sad thing and a sign that wages are not good enough when a willing worker is unable to keep a home,

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 11:38

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

You can get a job even if you have no home address as proved above by Winnie!

So why could't he get work due to not having a home address?
That is very puzzling And also if you are deemed fit for work but without a job surely he could have claimed at the minimum, unemployment benefit or whatever they call it these days?

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 12:19

Posted by: ena malcup (4151) 

He may have already been employed in the job when he became homeless.

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 12:39

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Chesh In winnie's post maybe, maybe the guy had a home when he got the job then became homeless, I don't know and I never asked kevin how come he never claimed benefits but, As Surfer quite rightly said, He is a Alcoholic so. that is another reason that no one would employ him, One thing that did get him angry was , people being Judgemental and to go to Surfer's story of the shop keeps,
And I saw this myself, its not hearsay, I was there,
Kevin used to stand about near the shops at Poolstock, this car pulled up and a customer of the hair dressers got out of her car and gave Kevin a Stare of disapproval , looked down at him and walked into the shop, Kevin reacted with some shouting and bad language , The shop owner came out and asked Kevin to move away and he did, That was the incident what I saw which got exaggerated every time i heard it, She finally got him banned after accusing him of, weeing on her doorstep , which Kevin denied but had to comply,

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 12:58
Last edited by tomplum: 21st Dec 2023 at 12:59:29

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

So going off what you are saying, Tom, does that mean you become unemployable if you haven't got a home address?

If that is the case, Winnies work colleague would be sacked?
Alcohol dependency and also drug dependency is an illness and quite rightly is treated as such. Help and financial assitance is freely available should the person involved decide to participate.

If the person involved does not want to seek help and financial assistance, thats their choice. They can't blame anyone else, only themselves.

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 13:32

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Chesh, test it yourself,

Apply for a job, anywhere you like, they will as for, Name address and if you do not give both, straight away , the application goes no further,
Even if its only a part time. temp job picking litter from outside McDonalds

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:04

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (16257)

Cheshire Feline

Yoo are being an argumentative pussy LINK

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:10
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:13:21

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

Tom. I've tested it

If you are sleeping rough or homeless and have no fixed address, you are still entitled to benefits. You can use the address of a day centre, a hostel or if you dont have any of those available, you can use the job centre as your address

Like I stated previous, there is help available. But it is up to individual concerned to at least meet them half way.

Unless they have changed the criteria?

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:17
Last edited by cheshirecat: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:18:41

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (14612)
"Cheshire Feline
Yoo are being an argumentative pussy"

If you call me argumentative for genuinely trying to help someone, I'm guilty as charged. Take me down.

You just stick to what you are good at, assuming things, and getting things wrong

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:23
Last edited by cheshirecat: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:24:33

Posted by: winnie (1558) 

I think he does have accomodation if not he has been offered in loads of times ,he just chooses to sleep in his car ,even when we had that bad snow a few weeks back ,he uses the shower at work

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 14:36

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Chesh, tommy Tee has you sussed. you always inspect everything I type with a fine tooth comb and pick out any inconsistencies , Fortunately for me , I am untripable because I am dam near perfickt apart from some minor spelling erronds,,,

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 15:27

Posted by: cheshirecat (1259) 

If you want to refer to them as "inconsistencies" thats fine.
I prefer to call them nonfactuals

But don't try to mislead people with "inconsistencies" or non factual information. Just tell the truth with an unbiased opinion, its not difficult!

As for you and Tommytee "having me sussed" may I suggest first and foremost that you suss yourselves out

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 16:46

Posted by: tomplum (13331) 

Chesh babes, I love you as i love my hedgehogs and you both are quite
'prickly' and your above statements are evidence of that being factual

Replied: 21st Dec 2023 at 19:12


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